Thursday, October 28, 2021

Research of Film Openings


Opening Shots are used to convey the films main ideas, premises, or character arch's 

Common Conventions used in Film Openings

1. Introduce the protagonist main traits and skills 

2. Introduce the world

3. Offer the audience a before and after picture to compare to 

4. Tense and Suspenseful 

5. A surprise or plot twist 

6. Set the tone and genre of the film 

Main Features of a Film Opening 

1. Establish Setting 

2. Mise-en-Scene

3. Representing the Genre 

4. Cinematography 

Key Characteristics of Film Openings

1. Theme

2. Tone 

3. Main Characters 

4. Backstory 

What to do when creating an Opening Scene

1. Introduce the protagonist as soon as possible 

2. Communicate the genre 

3. Create conflict immediately

4. The first scene needs to contrast the beginning of the second scene in some way 

Different Types of Film Openings

1. Flashbacks

2. Flash Forwards

3. Dreams

4. Metaphors 

5. Bookends

6. Red Herrings

7. MacGuffins

8. Final Takeaways

Methods used in Film Openings 

1. Enter the Villain

2. Enter the Hero

3. Establish Relationships

4. Plot Catalyst

5. Follow Genre

6. Flip Genre 

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